Celestite, also known as celestine, is a mineral renowned for its delicate blue to white color and crystal formations. Found in countries such as Madagascar, Mexico, and the United States, celestite is highly valued for its ethereal beauty and calming energy.
Celestite is believed to promote peace, harmony, and spiritual development. It is associated with the throat and crown chakras, enhancing communication, intuition, and connection to higher realms. Celestite is also thought to facilitate relaxation and stress relief, making it a popular choice for meditation and energy healing practices.
✨How to Use Celestite
Use to enhance spiritual awareness, promote inner peace, facilitate communication with higher realms, and support emotional healing.
✨Celestite Properties
serenity, clarity, communication, healing, balance, harmony, connection
✨Read me!
You will receive one Celestite Cluster of medium quality in your size choice!
Crystals are categorized by weight and they may vary in size, shape and color. We have done our best to take photos that show the variance between them, please review the listing carefully before purchasing.
All crystals have been cleared, are ready to enter your home and will come with a digital affirmation card with the crystal's properties.